For most of last week--and today, Monday--I have been able to drag myself out of bed to exercise. Granted, it's not high-impact, high-intensity, puke-in-a-bucket exercise. But just getting vertical before 6am is an achievement of which I am inordinately proud.
For the most part, I stuck to yoga, which is a nice way to ease into the day. I spent most mornings last week doing Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Yoga for Weight Loss to be more specific. It's a 30-minute, fairly gentle sequence, which is why I'm always surprised that I sweat quite a bit doing this. I did notice that on the mornings I did this workout I didn't need as much coffee and that I was quite energetic throughout the day. I quite like this practice, and the teacher who produced the DVD, Nirvair Singh Khalsa.
Today, because my Iyengar yoga teacher said I must begin practicing at home, along with attending classes, I did Rodney Yee's AM Yoga for Your Week. I doubt that my teacher meant for me to do a DVD, I rather think she meant for me to do my own practice, do what you gotta do. Today, it was a pretty strong, and very familiar sequence of standing poses, that are very much like what we do in class. Downward Dog, Uttanasana, Trikonasana, Vrkshasana, Vira 1 and 2, Modified Parsvakonasana. I think I'll actually do it again tomorrow, together with the recommended Tuesday sequence, which is twists. (I am horrible at twists. My teacher says it's because I consume a meat-heavy diet. Sigh.)
Anyway, it's nice to be able to wake up and do something. I hope I can keep it up.
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