Monday, January 31, 2011

The Other Half of the Equation

This blog has mostly been about exercise and staying active.

Lately however, I've had to come face to face with the unpleasant truth that exercise is just one part of fitness. For me, luckily, it's a part I like. I enjoy moving and being active, and I've always been interested in different types of exercise: dance, yoga, running, weights, kettlebells. And there are so many other things I haven't yet tried! I have not tried TRX, I haven't tried the much talked-about Plana Forma, and although I have been exposed to different forms of yoga, I have never braved the heated room of Bikram. I love the idea that there is still so much to discover.

I wish that loving exercise and being consistent with exercise was enough to stay fit. Sadly, it's not. And the numbers that flash on my digital scale prove to me every day that I am not doing enough to keep the extra pounds from creeping on.

I have long tried to fool myself that I "earned" the chocolate bar, or the chips, or fill-in-the-blank-with-the-treat-of-your-choice by working out hard. As a result, I think I've sabotaged my workouts by not doing enough on the nutrition--oh, heck, I'll just use the word I mean--I haven't done enough on the DIET side.

Exercise is great: it elevates the mood, it's great for cardiovascular health, it strengthens and tones the muscles. But regular, even regular intense workouts, should never be used as an excuse to stuff our faces post-workout. Yes, I'm really talking to myself here. But feel free to feel spoken to as well, if it encourages you to make some important changes to your diet.

I've never been a diet-type of person. I enjoy eating too much, and I hate depriving myself of foods that I enjoy. At one point, I think exercise was enough. But now that I'm getting older (something I plan to do as gracefully as possible), I can feel my metabolism slowing down, and I realize that I can no longer eat the way I do and expect to not gain weight.

The numbers on the scale don't lie. And they aren't pretty. So, it's full steam ahead for Operation: Clean Eating. None of your South Beach or Atkins for me. It will all be about sensible portions, a lot less sugar, a lot less salty snacks, and more fruits, vegetables, and quality protein.

And a little chocolate, now and then. Just a little. I promise.

What's your diet strategy this year?

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