Before I get into my thoughts about yoga, let me first say that my attempt at a plank-a-thon? Total failure.
Knowing I would probably not be able to hold a 5-minute plank, I set my timer for 2 minutes. I completed the 2-minute hold, but only just!
I am humbled. And inspired to keep trying. If anyone's willing to join me on this plank challenge, I will welcome your company.
SO...on to the yoga.
I failed to make my workout a priority yesterday. My new year's resolution should really be to cut out the close-to-midnight workouts. Sacrificing sleep to squeeze in a workout is not the best health and fitness strategy. Last night, with my bed beckoning, and the clock ticking, the only workout that appealed to me was yoga.
So I pulled out Pure and Simple Yoga by Eoin Finn. It's a 40-minute ashtanga-inspired sequence, with slower-than-usual sun salutations (A and B), some standing poses (standing forward bends, triangle, revolved triangle, warrior, extended wide angle pose), a hip opening sequence consisting of high lunges and pigeon pose, seated forward bends, 3 rounds of boat pose, 3 rounds of bridge (half or full-wheel), and then savasana.
It was a perfect workout for me because it reminded me of how yoga can manage to make me feel both stretched out and blissfully relaxed, while still making me aware of how every single muscle fiber in my body is working to hold a particular pose. Eoin adds a breath track, so you can try to match his slow and steady breathing pattern (normally holding each pose for about 5 breaths). His mellow, surfer-dude voice and Zen commentary is also perfect for relaxing your mind.
Yoga is a great workout because it's challenging and relaxing at the same time. It's so low-key and low-impact, but you're muscles are on fire, and your heart rate is up. Learning to keep your breath steady and even is part of what makes the practice so powerful.
I haven't done yoga in a long time, and I didn't realize how tight my muscles were. The long hold in Pigeon pose was painful, but in a good way. Pure and Simple Yoga (originally titled Yoga for Stiffies!) was the perfect re-entry to my yoga practice.
Sweat. Savasana. Shower. Snooze.
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